Seven Circles and Beyond

Carl Jung's documentation in "On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena" unveils a complex system of archetypal energies, organized into seven circles with three outer circles, each holding the keys to enlightenment and mastery. In this blog post, we embark on an expedition through the seven circles and beyond, uncovering the mysteries of the mystic force

The cosmos operates within a meticulously structured system of circles, each harboring distinct natural forces. Seven inner circles house matter, enveloping ten innermost circles, while three outer circles house enigmatic forces bridging energy and matter. At the heart lies the primary force, the spiritual catalyst of creation.

From this nexus, spiritual forces emerge—both luminous and shadowy—ushering forth from the union of matter and the primary force. The Power Magnesor, enriched with the primary force, stands at the pinnacle, while the Power Connesor, its dark counterpart, holds the least influence. As the primary force emanates outward, so too does its potency diminish, paralleled by the waning power of matter.

Within this intricate framework, forces interact in opposing directions, forming a dynamic equilibrium. Alternatively, the system unfolds as a sequential progression—from the primary force to Magnesor, Cafor, and beyond—each force in the outer circles a composite of adjacent forces from within.

  1. The Magnesor Group: Here, the powers of Light find their genesis, intertwined with the essence of life itself. Persus governs the foundational forces of locomotion, while the seventh circle harbors enigmatic energies such as magnetism and electricity.

  2. The Hypnos Group: Within certain beings reside Hypnos and Hyfonismus, wielders of magnetic influence. Aihialowi, the primal instinct, begets chemical affinity, while Svens and Kara's significance remains shrouded.

  3. The Connesor Group: Opposing Magnesor, Connesor embodies darkness and dissolution. Endos presides over the elemental forces of minerals, giving rise to the universal pull of gravitation. Smar and Pusa, pivotal forces, guide souls toward either the luminous or shadowy realms.

As the sixth circle heralds the onset of the visible world, perceptions vary, reflecting the subtle nuances of individual sensitivity. Magnesor and Connesor, manifesting as ethereal vapors, serve as beacons amidst the cosmic expanse. Different mediums, attuned to these forces, bridge the gap between the material and spiritual realms.

At the heart of the mystic system of S.W. lie the seven circles, each representing a distinct stage of spiritual evolution. The journey begins with the innermost circle, where the primary force—the original cause of creation—resides. Surrounding it are six circles, each housing a unique combination of archetypal energies and universal principles. From the radiant energies of the Magnesor Group to the shadowy forces of the Connesor Group, practitioners navigate through these circles, confronting their inner shadows and transcending limitations.

Beyond the seven circles lie three outer circles, housing unknown forces that bridge the realms of energy and matter. These outer circles serve as gateways to deeper realms of understanding, offering glimpses into the mysteries of existence. While little is known about these outer circles, their presence hints at the boundless potential of the mystic forces of S.W. and the infinite depths of the cosmos.

Within the seven circles and beyond, practitioners navigate a dynamic interplay between light and dark, order and chaos. The forces of the Magnesor Group illuminate the path to self-discovery and mastery, while the Connesor Group challenges practitioners to confront their inner demons and transcend limitations. It is a journey of balance and harmony, as practitioners learn to harness the energies of both light and dark for personal growth and transformation.

While not directly related to the practice of Pangainoon the teachings of S.W. offer valuable insights that resonate with practitioners on a deep level. The principles of balance, harmony, and unity embodied in the mystic forces find reflection in the disciplined practice and focused intent of martial artists. Jung's documentation serves as a source of inspiration and guidance for those seeking to deepen their understanding of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in the martial arts.

Through the exploration of the seven circles and beyond, practitioners gain insight into the dynamics of light and dark, and the transformative processes that lead to spiritual evolution. It is a journey of exploration and discovery that transcends the boundaries of conventional knowledge, leading practitioners to a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe. So, let us embrace the wisdom of the mystic forces and embark on this journey of spiritual exploration together.


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