Enantiodromia in Acting - Portraying Alon Edri (Indal)


The role of Alon, a racist police detective and outlaw involved in heinous activities, required me to delve into the darkest corners of the human psyche. To justify these acts to myself, I delved into the concept of enantiodromia, finding a transformative meaning in Alon's descent from goodness into monstrosity.

Enantiodromia, a term coined by Carl Jung, refers to the tendency of things to turn into their opposites when they reach an extreme state. In the case of Alon, who was initially a virtuous and honorable person, his excessive dedication to enforcing justice led him down a path of corruption and brutality. I saw his transformation as a cautionary tale, demonstrating how the pursuit of a noble cause can sometimes push individuals to become the very thing they once fought against.

Jewish mysticism offers an intriguing perspective on the nature of good and evil. It suggests that the devil, rather than being inherently evil, represents an extreme state that surpasses conventional notions of goodness. This idea resonated with me as I explored Alon's character. By embodying the devilish qualities within Alon, I aimed to highlight the inherent danger of excessive righteousness and the potential for individuals to become consumed by their own beliefs.

In understanding Alon's justification for his heinous acts, I drew parallels to real-life examples. Terrorists, for instance, often believe they are fighting for a cause they perceive as "better than good" Or “overly good.” They justify their actions through distorted ideologies and an unwavering commitment to their beliefs. Similarly, the historical figure Shabtai Zeevi, who championed extremist ideologies, saw himself as a savior rather than a villain. These examples helped me comprehend how Alon could rationalise his actions within the distorted framework of his own beliefs.

Furthermore, the concept of excess, as explored by Georges Bataille, played a role in understanding Alon's transformation. Bataille argued that excessive behaviors and actions, often associated with taboo subjects like brothels and drugs, can lead individuals to transcend the limitations of conventional morality. In the case of Alon, his involvement in these forbidden activities allowed him to tap into a realm beyond societal constraints, amplifying his descent into darkness.

While grappling with the moral implications of portraying Alon, I recognized the importance of exploring these darker aspects of human nature. By embodying the villainous character, I aimed to shed light on the potential for corruption within anyone, emphasizing the importance of self-reflection and restraint. Through understanding and empathizing with Alon, I sought to provoke introspection and encourage viewers to question the boundaries between good and evil within themselves.

Ultimately, it was through the exploration of enantiodromia, the Jewish mystic concept of the devil, real-life examples, and the ideas of excess and sacrifice that I justified Alon's acts to myself as an actor. By embracing the complexity and darkness within this character, I aimed to deliver a thought-provoking performance that challenges perceptions and stimulates dialogue about the intricate interplay between good and evil in our world.


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