Comparison between the 36 families from Fuzhou who migrated to Okinawa and the 36 alien civilizations described by Haim Eshed, the former head of the Israeli space program

The comparison between the 36 families from Fuzhou who migrated to Okinawa and the 36 alien civilizations described by Haim Eshed, the former head of the Israeli space program, can be seen from two perspectives: the cultural impact and the concept of extraterrestrial civilizations. However, it's important to note that the claims made by Haim Eshed have not been substantiated by scientific evidence.

The migration of 7 families from Fuzhou to Okinawa known in history as “the 36 families”, brought with them the knowledge and practices of Okinawan martial arts. These 7 families played a significant role in shaping the development and evolution of martial arts on the island. The cultural exchange between Fuzhou and Okinawa led to the fusion of various martial arts styles mixing with the local MA art “TI” giving rise to unique systems like Okinawan Karate, Kobudo, and others.

The name "36 families" is a historical designation and does not necessarily indicate the exact number of families that migrated. The selected families were skilled in various fields such as agriculture, crafts, and technology. They were invited to Okinawa to introduce new knowledge, techniques, and industries to the kingdom. The migrants played a significant role in the cultural, economic, and technological development of Okinawa.

On the other hand, Haim Eshed's description of 36 alien civilizations pertains to his claim that there are extraterrestrial beings visiting Earth imparting knowledge, and monitoring humanity. If we were to assume the existence of these civilizations, it would imply a profound impact on human culture and scientific knowledge. 

The Wuyi Mountains in Fuzhou, China, particularly the peaks, have cultural and historical significance. They are associated with the saying "36 mountain peaks and a hole to heaven," which refers to the notion of a gateway to the heavens or a celestial realm. This phrase may have metaphorical or symbolic implications within traditional Chinese folklore or spiritual beliefs. In contrast, the mention of 36 alien civilisations by Haim Eshed doesn't directly correlate with the peaks of the Wuyi Mountains. The concept of extraterrestrial civilisations doesn't typically involve specific earthly landmarks as gateways to the heavens. Rather, it revolves around the idea that advanced civilisations may exist on other planets or star systems beyond our own- in this case a council of 36 types of alien beings that secretly work with our governments.

Its seems the comparison between the 36 families from Fuzhou and the 36 alien civilizations described by Haim Eshed revolves around the cultural impact and the concept of higher civilizations imparting knowledge. Much like the airy kata Sanseiryu, it is symbolized by the number 36.


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