
Showing posts from May, 2023

Comparative Analysis of "Footfalls" by Samuel Beckett and the Notion of Stepping Nine Times

"Footfalls" by Samuel Beckett is a thought-provoking play that explores themes of isolation, time, and the human condition. In this essay, we will compare the concept of stepping nine times, as discussed in the context of Paimon's occult practices, with Beckett's play "Footfalls." Additionally, we will delve into the representation of characters in the play and their significance in relation to the notion of stepping. In both the occult practices associated with Paimon and the concept of stepping in "Footfalls," there is an underlying emphasis on the union of opposites and the reconciliation of opposing forces. Stepping nine times, as seen in Paimon's rituals and the Sanchin kata of Uechi Ryu karate, symbolizes a process of harmonizing dualistic aspects. Similarly, in "Footfalls," the act of pacing back and forth by the character May can be interpreted as a physical embodiment of this concept. The repetition of the footfalls in the pl

Regarding stepping nine times

Paimon is a significant archetypal fighure in occultism and demonology, often also associated with teaching the liberal and martial arts. According to the tradition, Paimon is one of the Kings of Hell and commands 200 legions of demons. He is often depicted as a male figure, but there are also interpretations that portray him as a hermaphrodite. The depiction of Paimon as a hermaphrodite may stem from the concept of the union of opposites. In esoteric symbolism, the union of male and female principles represents the synthesis and balance of various energies. By incorporating both masculine and feminine qualities, Paimon embodies the concept of duality and the reconciliation of opposing forces within the occult realm. Paimon's esoteric name, Pa'aman, is said to be derived from the Hebrew word "pa'am," meaning "step" or "stepped." This term is associated with the idea of initiation or ascent. In some occult practices, rituals involving stepping a

Regarding Celestial bodies in Katas

Constellations have fascinated humanity for centuries, serving as celestial maps that guided navigation, inspired myths, and sparked the imagination. Three constellations, Orion, Hydra, and Serpens, have intriguing connections to dragons and karate, intertwining ancient beliefs with celestial wonders. Let's begin with Orion, one of the most recognizable constellations in the night sky. Depicting a dragon slayer, Orion is associated with three prominent stars that form his belt. These three stars are symbolic of the three steps of kata Sanchin. In alchemical terms, the connection between Orion and dragons lies in the concept of "nigredo," which represents the initial stage of transformation. Nigredo is often associated with the element of fire, symbolizing the purifying and destructive forces necessary for renewal. Dragons, mythical creatures associated with fire, power, and transformation, find resonance in the fiery nature of nigredo, connecting Orion's symbolism to

The Enigmatic Origins of Okinawan Martial Art Ti: Tracing its Roots to Mesopotamia

Okinawan martial art Ti, also known as Te or Tode, is a martial art with a rich history that originated on the island of Okinawa, Japan. However, there exists a fascinating theory that suggests its roots can be traced back to the ancient land of Mesopotamia, modern-day Turkey and Iraq. This essay aims to explore the hypothesis that Ti has its origins in Mesopotamia by highlighting the similarities between Mesopotamian ideas and Okinawan martial arts, supported by archaeological evidence.  Before delving into the possible Mesopotamian origins of Ti, it is crucial to briefly understand its history in Okinawa. Ti emerged on the island during a time when its ruling class had forbidden the usage of weapons, leading to the development of unarmed combat techniques. Okinawan masters began to blend local martial art Ti with Chinese and Southeast Asian influences, giving birth to Okinawan Karate.  The ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and Okinawa shared some striking similarities in their phi

Comparison between the 36 families from Fuzhou who migrated to Okinawa and the 36 alien civilizations described by Haim Eshed, the former head of the Israeli space program

The comparison between the 36 families from Fuzhou who migrated to Okinawa and the 36 alien civilizations described by Haim Eshed, the former head of the Israeli space program, can be seen from two perspectives: the cultural impact and the concept of extraterrestrial civilizations. However, it's important to note that the claims made by Haim Eshed have not been substantiated by scientific evidence. The migration of 7 families from Fuzhou to Okinawa known in history as “the 36 families”, brought with them the knowledge and practices of Okinawan martial arts. These 7 families played a significant role in shaping the development and evolution of martial arts on the island. The cultural exchange between Fuzhou and Okinawa led to the fusion of various martial arts styles mixing with the local MA art “TI” giving rise to unique systems like Okinawan Karate, Kobudo, and others. The name "36 families" is a historical designation and does not necessarily indicate the exact number o

Plato's Esoteric Mathematics and the Significance of Numbers 3, 13, and 36: Exploring Iamblichus' Ideas on Devotion and Nomina Barbara

Plato, one of the most influential philosophers of ancient Greece, was renowned not only for his philosophical dialogues but also for his fascination with mathematics. Beyond the conventional mathematical concepts that are widely known, Plato delved into the realm of esoteric mathematics, where numbers held symbolic and metaphysical significance. In this essay, we will explore Plato's esoteric mathematics, focusing on the numbers 3, 13, and 36, and their relationship to the ideas of Iamblichus regarding acts of devotion to the gods and the concept of nomina barbara. Plato believed that mathematics had a transcendent quality, serving as a bridge between the physical and metaphysical realms. He considered numbers as fundamental constituents of reality, with each possessing unique symbolic properties. According to Plato, the study of mathematics enabled individuals to attain a higher level of understanding, providing a pathway to divine wisdom and enlightenment. The Number 3: The numb

The Mystical Eclipse: Symbolism in Uechi Ryu's Sanseiryu Kata

Throughout history, celestial events have often stirred human imagination, leading to a plethora of myths and legends. Among these cosmic wonders, a solar or lunar eclipse has always fascinated and bewildered people. In ancient times, when scientific understanding was limited, these natural phenomena were interpreted through cultural lenses and often associated with mythical creatures. One such interpretation was that of a dragon devouring the moon, an idea that finds expression in the third sequence of the Sanseiryu Kata. This essay explores the ancient beliefs surrounding eclipses and elucidates how the third sequence of Sanseiryu Kata symbolically represents this intriguing notion. The Old Times and the Eclipse: In ancient civilizations, eclipses were viewed with a mixture of fear, awe, and fascination. Lacking scientific knowledge, people sought explanations rooted in mythology and folklore. The occurrence of a lunar eclipse, when the Earth comes between the sun and the moon, casti

Exploring Black Holes, Zero and Void Concepts, and the Circular Nature of Katas in Uechi Ryu

In the realm of mystical philosophy and martial arts, there are profound concepts that delve into the depths of existence. Two such concepts, jewish Kabala’s Term - Ain Sof and Budo's - KU, encapsulate the essence of the infinite and the void, respectively. This essay aims to explore these concepts while drawing parallels to the enigmatic nature of black holes. Additionally, it will delve into the circular nature of katas in Uechi Ryu and how the pivoting and turning back represent the characteristics of a black hole. Ain Sof: The Infinite and Unknowable: Ain Sof is a concept rooted in Kabbalistic teachings, particularly in Jewish mysticism. Ain Sof refers to the infinite and unknowable essence of the divine. It represents the boundless nature of the universe, transcending human comprehension. Just as black holes possess immense gravitational forces that distort space and time, Ain Sof symbolizes the vastness of existence and the unfathomable mysteries that lie beyond our understan

The Union of Opposites: Uechi Ryu and the 108 Dance of Bharatanatyam

The practices of Uechi Ryu, a traditional Okinawan martial art, and the 108 Dance of Bharatanatyam, a classical Indian dance form, offer profound insights into the concept of the union of opposites. Both disciplines emphasise the harmonious integration of contrasting elements, drawing inspiration from diverse sources. This essay explores the parallel concepts of the union of opposites in Uechi Ryu and the interplay between Shiva and Shakti in the 108 Dance of Bharatanatyam, highlighting their significance and relevance. Uechi Ryu and the Union of Opposites: Uechi Ryu embodies the principle of integrating opposing forces. Rooted in the concepts of yin and yang, Uechi Ryu aims to achieve harmony through the unification of contrasting elements such as softness and hardness, fluidity and strength, and flexibility and stability. The practitioners learn to balance these opposing aspects in their movements, generating a dynamic equilibrium that optimizes their martial prowess. This concept mi